Thursday 9 June 2016

Final Project

You should have received the final project handout this week. If you didn't come see me to get it!
We will be presenting our projects on Friday June 17th and Monday June 20th.
Everything on your blog must be finished by June 22 as I will be marking your blogs after that.
If you are unsure if you are still missing anything make sure you come and see me!

Monday 6 June 2016

TV Shows


You need to hand in the questions that go with the three TV shows that we watched in class ( The O.C., Glee and Gossip Girl) if you haven't already.

Also your "Cripface" questions need to be handed in. Remember these were on a handout and you answered them on a piece of loose-leaf. We did not post these on our blogs.

All assignments and blog posts (other than the final project) must be completed by June 17th!
We will be starting on our final project this week!

Thursday 2 June 2016

Who's Telling My Story


Choose ONE of the following issues that we discusses in class today and write a blog entry expressing your opinion o n the issues in a post titled "Who's Telling My Story"

1. Is it fair to cast White, Christian, abled actors if there aren't enough community actors available? Why might producers use this as an excuse?

2. Is there a differences between cripface and practices likes blackface or casting White actors as Asians, Aboriginals, etc. If so, why? If not, why do we accept cripface but not these other practices?

3. Actors often play characters who are significantly different than themselves such as aliens, members of the opposite sex, or people from other times or places. What is the difference between this and "face" casting?
Is it more important that writers and producers come from the community being represented?


Find two examples of blackfacing or cripfacing other than the examples that we have talked about in class.
Why do you think these actors were cast?
Is it acceptable that these actors were cast in these roles? Why or why not?

For this assignment you must comment on two of your classmates blog posts. The link to everyone's blog can be found on the right hand side of my page.

In case you need to watch  it again here is the link to the Blackface Then and Now video

Thursday 26 May 2016

Teen Portrayal in the Media

We have been looking at the representation of teens in the media for several weeks now and it is time to tie it all together. We have looked at a variety of teenage representation ranging from  reality shows like Teen Mom and then movies like Juno, as well as the pilot episodes of Glee, The OC and Gossip Girl.
In a blog post titled "Teen Portrayal in the Media" answer the following:

Compare and contrast all of the teen shows that we have watched in class in a paragraph. Discuss which show presents the most accurate portrayal of teens and why.

Thursday 12 May 2016


After watching the movie Juno answer the following questions in a blog post titled "Juno"

1. How does the portrayal of teen pregnancy differ from the movie Juno to shows like Teen Mom?
* Create a T Chart of the similarities and differences in Teen Mom and Juno. It should look like this:

Teen Mom and Juno  


2. Does one glorify teen pregnancy more than the other?
3. Which of the two shows a more accurate portrayal of teens? Why?
4. Have you seen similar characters (Juno, Vanessa, Paulie and Mark) in other films/ soap opera? Is it common to know such people in our real life? Can you guess and explain what the director actually implies?
5.     5. What kind of impact do you  think the movie Juno has on teens and teen pregnancy? Why? 

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Teen Pregnancy - Putting it into Perspective

We've been looking at teen pregnancy in the media, but now I want to put it into perspective. Just what effect do TV shows like "Teen Mom" have on teen pregnancy rates. I want you to look at stats of teen pregnancy in Canada and the United States. Find
1) Current data on teen pregnancy in both countries
2) 5 years ago
3) 10 years ago
4) 20 years ago

After you have found this put your information into a blog post titled "Teen Pregnancy over 20 years"

Also please include the answers to the following questions:

1. what do you notice about teen pregnancy rates over the years
2. Do you notice anywhere the data changes significantly. If so why do you think that is?
3. What impact do you think TV shows like "Teen Mom" have on current teen pregnancy rates?

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Teen Pregnancy in the Media Part 2

Continuing with the theme of teen pregnancy in the media today you will need to answer the following questions about the clips from television show "Teen Mom" that we watched clips of in class.
Answer these questions in a post titled "Teen Pregnancy in the Media Part 2"
Search "Teen Mom" on YouTube to watch clips from the show or go to to watch full episodes if you need more information and knowledge of the show to answer the questions. The YouTube teaser clips should show you a good overview of some of the issues that arise on the show, 

1. Does the show create a negative or positive image of teens? Explain.

2. What effect might “Teen Mom” have on what teens consider “typical” behavior?

3. Are “Teen Mom” viewers more likely than non-viewers to perceive teen pregnancy as acceptable or even positive? Is the “celebrity” status of the cast members (the fact that teens are seeing them everywhere in the media) a factor in this? How might this influence teens’ own behavior? (Some have suggested that watching “Teen Mom” will make girls want to become pregnant in the hopes of getting famous, since some of cast member Jenelle’s friends actually became pregnant after she did.) Might a “likeable” cast member have more influence on teens than one who is perceived as “behaving badly”?

4. Do you think this show presents a fair and accurate view of teenagers today? Does the show promote prejudices or stereotypes of teens?

5. Which aspects of “Teen Mom” communicate that the show is “entertainment,” and which aspects communicate that the show is an “informative documentary”? Is a reality show like this a combination of both? Do both forms of media have equal influence on teens?

6. If teens are viewing "Teen Mom," are they likely to believe that teen pregnancy is increasing, or tat it is widespread in the U.S.? Are these things actually true

7. Do you think that the people on "Teen Mom" act the way they normally would or do you think they act a certain way for the cameras?

Monday 2 May 2016

Teen Pregnancy in the Media

We are going to continue focusing on teens in the media, but this week we will be shifting our focus to look specifically at teen pregnancy.

To introduce the topic read and summarize the following article in a blog post titled "Teen Pregnancy"
After you have summarized it tell me if you agree or disagree with the article.

Teens Moms are Taking over Reality TV. Is That a Good Thing?

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Teens in the Media - Is it Accurate?

We are going to continue looking at the portrayal of teens in the media for several more days. Today we are going to look at an article that analyzes how teens are portrayed specifically in the press. What you need to do is read the article and tell me if you agree with it or not in a blog post titled "Teens and Media Part 2"

After you have discussed the article, in the same post I want you to answer the following questions. Think back to the assignment we did earlier this week to help you with this.

Think about how teens are portrayed in the media (news, TV shows, movies, music videos)

1. Do you think teens are portrayed accurately and fairly?
2. Does the media reinforce stereotypes? Are they realistic or fair?
3. Are the teens you see on TV like you?

Monday 25 April 2016

Teen Representation in the Media

Today we are moving on from advertising to look at the representation of teenagers in the media. We will be analyzing how well teens are portrayed in the media in terms of how they are shown to act, whether they are shown in a positive or negative way and even who is representing the teens. Remember the PowerPoint we looked at earlier in the semester where we learned that many teens in TV shows are played by actors in their mid-20s and sometimes even 30s! (I'll include the PowerPoint in this post in case you need a refresher)

Your task today is to answer the following questions in a post titled "Teens in the Media"

  1. Find two teen celebrities that are often in the media (for whatever reason). Compare and contrast them in aparagraph. Do they conduct themselves in different ways? What are they famous for? How do they appear in the media? Do you think that’s an accurate portrayal of teens?
  2. Find two TV shows that are about teens (fictional or reality). Compare and contrast them in a paragraph. What does each show say about teens? Think about who is portraying the teen in the show. Are they an accurate representation of a teenager? How do the teens in the shows act?  Do you think this is a fair portrayal of an average teenager? If not, why?

Monday 11 April 2016


Just in case you need a reminder here are the questions that you need to answer about product placement in the movie Transformers that we watched in class.

Please make sure you hand in your list of products in the movie that you made while we were watching.

1. Is Transformers just one big advertisement for many different kinds of companies?  Why or why not? 
2.Did you feel that having so many product placements in the movie took away from the storyline?  Why or why not?  Please give as many details as you can.  You can also use other movies or TV shows you have seen before as examples.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Product Placement Prevalent in Music Videos

Watch this video about product placement in music videos and answer the following questions.

1. Do you think product placement is more or less effective than in movies? Why?

2. Have you ever bought a product because it was featured in a music video?

3. Do you think product placement takes away from music videos?

4. Should it be allowed?

5. Find 5 examples of product placement in music videos other than the examples shown in the video. If you don't know any look it up! You might be surprised what you find!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Advertising & Product Placement.

We encounter many ads every day of our lives. Some ads we are consciously aware of what we are viewing and other have been cleverly placed to influence our thinking without consciously realizing it,  There are many subtle yet powerful ways that we come across advertising in our daily lives and we are going to take a closer look at just how powerful these ads can be.

To get started we are going to watch “A Brief History of Conspicuous Product Placement in Movies.” to see how different movies have used product placement over the years. As you are watching create a list of all the products that the video shows and what film it was in.

Your task today is to find other movies that you can have  watched that have examples of conspicuous product placement in them. Create a list of movies and products and answer the following questions:
1) Why do you think movies use this kind of product placement?
2) Do you think that it is effective? Why or why not?
3) Have you ever been influenced by a product placed in a movie?
4) 10 examples of product placement in movies other than the examples from the video

Include all of this in a blog post titled "Advertising and Product Placement"

Friday 18 March 2016


As you already know from our discussion in class yesterday we are going to be looking at advertising. Right now we will be focusing on what makes ads effective and how they target different groups of people.
For your next assignment you must find ads for two similar products and deconstruct them to find which is the more effective of the two.

Include the ads that you are using and answer the following questions for each ad.
Use your handout from yesterday to help you answer these questions.
Advertising Assignment

1. Who is the intended audience?
2. How does the ad appeal to them?
3. What visual element(s) does the ad contain? How are they used? (Refer to handout).
4. What story component(s) are contained in the ad? How are they used?
5. What need(s) does the ad exploit? Explain.
6.   Does the ad address a social issue? How?
7. In your opinion, is the ad effective? Give at least 3 specific reasons why/why not.
8.      Which of the two ads is the most effective? Why?

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Mass Media and Advertising

This week we are moving on to look at advertising.  Advertising is a very powerful and prevalent means of  communication. Advertisers use various media and methods to sell their products.

To begin I want to look at adverting over the years and how it has changed. What you need to do it create a PAGE on your blog titled "Advertising"
On this page I want you to find ads from 1950 to present day. I want you to find at least two examples of ads from each decade and clearly label which decade the ad has come from on your page. You can choose what kind of products that you want to look at as long as they are school appropriate. You can use images or videos as examples. Some examples of products you can look at are cars, toys, food, appliances. electronics, beauty products etc.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Digital Citizenship

Today we are going to shift our focus to digital citizenship. Your task is to take a look at George Couros' blog and what he has to say about digital citizenship. His blog is aimed at educators, but it still has a lot of good information for you to read. 
After you read what he has to say copy and paste and answer the following questions in a new blog post titled Digital Citizenship. 

  1. How would you define digital citizenship? What does that even mean?
  2. When using social media, would you consider yourself a good “digital citizen?” Do you use social media to post positive things about yourself and others?
  3. Is our school’s “digital citizenship” practice a pass or fail?
  4. Rate our school using the rubric at the bottom of the post – what number would we get?
  5. What could we do differently?

Viral Videos and Memes

Two forms of mass media that have taken today's society by storm are YouTube with viral videos and internet memes.
We are going to be discussing what are viral videos how do they become viral.

The biggest video of 2015 was Silento - Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) #WatchMeDanceOn

This dance became so popular everyone was filming themselves doing it. Here is the best Vine's compilation of Whip/ Nae Nae

To check out the top 10 youtube videos of 2015 go here!

Your task for today is ON YOUR MEDIA LOG PAGE answer the following question. (Remember to date and title this as you will just keep adding to the page, not create a new post on your blog)

1. Define viral video and internet meme

2. Answere the following questiong about this TED talk clip ; Kevin Alloccca: Why Videos go viral

  1. How many hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute?
  2. What three criteria does Kevin Alloca set for viral videos?
  3. What is the role of a “tastemaker.” Who does Alloca use as an example?
  4. With this form of media, who defines the popularity?
  5. How are viral videos and internet memes different from other forms of media? (think about who is consuming vs who is creating
  6. Include two of your favourite viral videos that we did not watch in class today.
Finally include two examples of  your favourite internet memes 

Check out the board by the door in my classroom for a few of my favourite school related memes. Plus a couple more here that I found funny!  Top 25 Funny Memes Collection  #compartirvideos #funnypictures yamaha: 10 Funny Web Memes That Made Us LOL in 2015: Adele Made Us All Cry. Again.: Laughed At This For Way Too Long // funny pictures - funny photos - funny images - funny pics - funny quotes - #lol #humor #funnypictures: Best 40 Hilarious Memes #humors:

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Generations of Pop culture

Now that we have looked at pop culture for your generation we are going to compare it to that of your parents and grandparents.
What was considered pop culture when your parents and your grandparents were your age. You can choose how to display each generation of pop culture, but you must include a paragraph at the end with your thoughts about how pop culture has changed through the years. Are there any similarities? What are the major differences? Was there anything that surprised you?  

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Media Images: Fact or Ficiton

Today we are looking at teen magazines and what kind of message they send us about teenagers.
The following questions need to be answered on your Media Log page of your blog. (This can also be found on the handout I gave you or you can look at a digital copy of the assignment under the "Assignments" tab)

  • As an individual, what did you learn from the analysis of the magazines?
  • Were you surprised by anything? Why or Why not?
  • What kind of magazines would you like to see for teens?

Friday 26 February 2016

My Digital Footprint

Today we are going to be looking at our digital footprints and finding our digital identity.
To begin go to this website.

Step 1: Read the introduction and watch the video
Step 2: Read Follow Your Footprint
Step 3: Go to Measure Your Footprint and answer the questions. Report these findings and your reactions in a blog post titled "My Digital Footprint"
Step 4: Click on the link "Game" and go through  one of the scenarios
Step 5: Go to Asses yourself and test what you've learned from the website. Report this in the same post.

To finish this post include your thoughts you had while learning about your digital footprint. Was there anything that surprised you? Is there anything you plan on changing now that you know more about your digital footprint?

Wednesday 24 February 2016

What is Media?

For Your next assignment you will need to complete the following steps.
STEP 1:  Create a concept map
Research the term media. Create a concept map. Try using an online tool like or Prezi. Link the final product to your blog 
STEP 2: Make a digital poster
Research the term ‘pop culture’. Once you have a solid understanding the term pop culture. Create an online poster. You can use an online tool of your choosing or a program on your computer like PowerPoint or Publisher. Show the pop culture for your generation. Once again make sure to link this to your blog. 
STEP 3: Ask  questions
Now that you are familiar with the terms ‘mass media’ and ‘pop culture’ create a minimum ten question online survey on the impact of mass media on what is popular. What sources of mass media do your peers, friends and family access regularly?  I recommend using Google Forms and it can be directly linked into a blog post.  Once you are finished this go and answer your classmate's surveys.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Food Waste Video Challenge

For our next assignment we will be participating in the Food Waste Video Challenge. Your task is to create a 25 to 20 second video dealing with food waste. The specific guidelines are attached. Remember that you cannot work in groups of larger than four.

Food Waste Video Challenge Guidelines and Requirements

The following video and website may also be useful in creating your video.

Just Eat It Documentary

Waste Free Kitchen Handbook

Below is the media consent form and the entry form that each group will need to fill out
EACH PERSON must get the consent form signed by their parent/guardian in order to be able to submit their video.

Media Consent Form

Contest Entry Form

Monday 8 February 2016

By now you should have the following posts on your own blogs:

1) About me - Introduction Letter
2) Post - My favorite genre
3) Post - Me in 60 years
4) At least 1 choice page started

You should also have commented on my last post with the link to your blog so I can link to you in my blog list so that I have access to each of your blogs. I also encourage everyone to check out your classmates blogs to see how they are setting up their blogs.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Assignment #1

Your first assignment in Media Studies 20 is to create your own blog. Remember you need several different pages or tabs on  your blog. (See your Digital Blog handout for more info on what you need).

Once you have done that make sure you include your introduction letter on your "About Me" page.

If you finish all of that start creating your choice pages. These can be about any media related topic of your choice. Pick your favorites and create these pages to show your interests and personality.

Please put the link to your own blog in the comment on this post so that I am able to access your blogs.