Friday 26 February 2016

My Digital Footprint

Today we are going to be looking at our digital footprints and finding our digital identity.
To begin go to this website.

Step 1: Read the introduction and watch the video
Step 2: Read Follow Your Footprint
Step 3: Go to Measure Your Footprint and answer the questions. Report these findings and your reactions in a blog post titled "My Digital Footprint"
Step 4: Click on the link "Game" and go through  one of the scenarios
Step 5: Go to Asses yourself and test what you've learned from the website. Report this in the same post.

To finish this post include your thoughts you had while learning about your digital footprint. Was there anything that surprised you? Is there anything you plan on changing now that you know more about your digital footprint?

Wednesday 24 February 2016

What is Media?

For Your next assignment you will need to complete the following steps.
STEP 1:  Create a concept map
Research the term media. Create a concept map. Try using an online tool like or Prezi. Link the final product to your blog 
STEP 2: Make a digital poster
Research the term ‘pop culture’. Once you have a solid understanding the term pop culture. Create an online poster. You can use an online tool of your choosing or a program on your computer like PowerPoint or Publisher. Show the pop culture for your generation. Once again make sure to link this to your blog. 
STEP 3: Ask  questions
Now that you are familiar with the terms ‘mass media’ and ‘pop culture’ create a minimum ten question online survey on the impact of mass media on what is popular. What sources of mass media do your peers, friends and family access regularly?  I recommend using Google Forms and it can be directly linked into a blog post.  Once you are finished this go and answer your classmate's surveys.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Food Waste Video Challenge

For our next assignment we will be participating in the Food Waste Video Challenge. Your task is to create a 25 to 20 second video dealing with food waste. The specific guidelines are attached. Remember that you cannot work in groups of larger than four.

Food Waste Video Challenge Guidelines and Requirements

The following video and website may also be useful in creating your video.

Just Eat It Documentary

Waste Free Kitchen Handbook

Below is the media consent form and the entry form that each group will need to fill out
EACH PERSON must get the consent form signed by their parent/guardian in order to be able to submit their video.

Media Consent Form

Contest Entry Form

Monday 8 February 2016

By now you should have the following posts on your own blogs:

1) About me - Introduction Letter
2) Post - My favorite genre
3) Post - Me in 60 years
4) At least 1 choice page started

You should also have commented on my last post with the link to your blog so I can link to you in my blog list so that I have access to each of your blogs. I also encourage everyone to check out your classmates blogs to see how they are setting up their blogs.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Assignment #1

Your first assignment in Media Studies 20 is to create your own blog. Remember you need several different pages or tabs on  your blog. (See your Digital Blog handout for more info on what you need).

Once you have done that make sure you include your introduction letter on your "About Me" page.

If you finish all of that start creating your choice pages. These can be about any media related topic of your choice. Pick your favorites and create these pages to show your interests and personality.

Please put the link to your own blog in the comment on this post so that I am able to access your blogs.